Sun, 1 January 2012
Reviewing what The Goodies got up to in 2011 :)
Direct download: Goodies_Podcast_78_-_Goodies_in_2011.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:55am HKT |
Fri, 23 December 2011
All four of the GP's hosts get together for a live 1/2 hour Christmas chat :) |
Mon, 19 December 2011
After a commentary for the series 7 opener Alternative Roots, Jeffers chats to The Saucy Gibbon's Jess Pickles about The Unbelievable Truth.
Direct download: Goodies_Podcast_76_-_Froots_Hoots_Och_Aye.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:57pm HKT |
Sat, 10 December 2011
A fresh look at Jon Pertwee's gig on the Goodies, through the eyes of Mr Paul (Pharos Project) and two-thirds of Radio Free Skaro (Steven Schapansky and Chris Burgess!)
Direct download: Goodies_Podcast_75_-_Wacky_Wales_Rookie_Revisitation.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:56am HKT |
Sat, 3 December 2011
Jeffers and Steve have all the latest NEWS and there's a lot of it this week :) Timbo in a new pilot comedy, Bill on radio and live in person, ISIHAC and Hamish & Dougal, a vintage interview released by the East Anglia Film Archive, and more!
Direct download: Goodies_Podcast_74_-_Have_I_Got_News_For_You.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:00pm HKT |
Sat, 26 November 2011
Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden and Bill Oddie... our comedy Gods. We are honored to know their comedic brilliance through The Goodies - the slapstick, the witty cutting remarks, the perfect set ups for the well-timed falls. But who influenced them? Who were the stars of their youth that they studied as they honed their own acting skills? Who are the Comedy Gods our Superchaps Three worship? And do those Gods still pack a punch today? In this, the first of an infrequent series, we look back at the work of Buster Keaton, the silent film comedy star from America, who both Tim and Graeme have said they were heavily influenced by. Having never seen any of his work before, both Steve and Megan sit down on the Commentary Couch to see if watching Keaton is like watching a Goodies episode, and to try to spot any Goodies parallels in these silent classics that are nearly 100 years old. As Buster himself would say... " " So sit back and enjoy this extra long Goodies Podcast, and the brilliance of The Great Stone Face.
Direct download: 73_Goodies_Podcast_73_-_Keaton_Rules_Ok_.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:35pm HKT |
Mon, 21 November 2011
TBT OBE, Bill on Autumnwatch, ISIHAC series 56. |
Sun, 13 November 2011
The Goodies' series 9 fancy footwork in Football Crazy is commented upon by Jeffers and Jane. Includes news and competition info.
Direct download: Goodies_Podcast_72_-_Football_Crazy.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:14pm HKT |
Mon, 7 November 2011
Bill Banana Bundy! We look at Bill Oddie's 1970s morning kids show The Saturday Banana and also Bill's appearance in a trio of episodes of the US classic sitcom Married With Children.
Direct download: GP_update_-_7_Nov_2011_-_Bill_Banana_Bundy.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:11pm HKT |
Sat, 29 October 2011
Star Wars figures, baseball cards, china pots, TARDISes, pet rocks, Avril Lavigne's home address... everyone collects something. But do you have a Collection of Goodies? Lost in time and unshown in Australia, this rare clip episode has been seen by few and discussed by fewer (unless you have the DVDs.) So, come along for the ride as Steve and Megan provide a fast-paced commentary to a fast-paced special which Steve has never even seen! Slacker! Bring your Sherbert and get ready for some slapstick highjinks, some shameless plugs, a bare-chested Bill and just try to say "Strip Scrabble" three times fast.
Direct download: 71_Goodies_Podcast_71_-_A_Collection_of_Goodies.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:39pm HKT |
Mon, 24 October 2011
Music polls! Competitions! News! |
Sun, 16 October 2011
Bill, Bill and more BILL. Mr Oddie on telly (Would I Lie To You), on the web answering our question, and in actuality at the Save Wild Tigers Forum. Plus... SPACEHOPPING! |
Sat, 8 October 2011
Rome Antics! This is a commentary for the 1975 ep which guest-stars Roy Kinnear as the emperor. There's a track from Stevie Rigsby and some fan chat with Nick James. Enjoy! |
Sun, 2 October 2011
The fabulous 69th edition of the Goodies Podcast brings us the commentary we had to have - Gender Education. Yes, it's all about how to make a podcast by doing naughty things. To make sure there are no smutty goings on, the sheet is out and everyone is sitting the regulatory 40cm apart as we look at the wonderful Goodies version of gender education films of the 70s, with Mary Whitehouse and some leather-clad ladies. Strap yourself in, grab a sheet (but not a lady), cover up your naughty bits and get ready for the best telling of Sinderella you're ever going to see. Knickers!
Direct download: 69_Goodies_Podcast_69_-_Gender_Education.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:58pm HKT |
Sun, 25 September 2011
Bill Oddie at the Great Gorilla Run 2011. Bills Bird food snub! Unbelievable Truth. Tim Brooke-Taylor Soldier Spy. Bring Graeme the head of Alfredo Garcia!
Direct download: GP_mini-pod_-_Great_Gorilla_Run_Sept_2011.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:14pm HKT |
Sun, 18 September 2011
Punky Business ensues in this commentary by Jeffers and Jane, with added chat by Robert Haynes. Also featuring some Sex Pistols and Jeannie Carson!
Direct download: Goodies_Podcast_68_-_Punky_Business.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:37pm HKT |
Sun, 11 September 2011
It's 40 years since the Goodies first screened on televisions around the world. What is their legacy? What does the passage of time mean for our SuperChaps Three? In this extra special Goodies Podcast episode, we turn the microphones over to the youth of today - the most recent Goodies fans - to see how the everlasting comedy genius of Tim, Bill and Graeme plays through the youngest of eyes. From 1971 to 2011 and a bit, the Goodies still endure. Don't take our word for it, listen to lifelong fans Whitley, 11, and Rain, 7, as they talk you through their favourite of kids episodes...Kitten Kong, with Bubbles their cat, accompanying them on the trandem!!
Direct download: 67_Goodies_Podcast_67_-_2011_and_a_bit.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:24pm HKT |
Tue, 6 September 2011
Graeme Garden on Cotswold TV, the Pharos Project on the Goodies London Pub Crawl, and happy birthday to Steve Gerlach! You can find the Pharos Project podcast at: Cheers! |
Fri, 26 August 2011
News of Bill at the British Birdwatching Fair; Brett Allender tells us about the changes at the Clarion and Globe; we discuss the death of producer John Howard Davies; and there's TBT with Robert Ross on BBC Radio 4's 'Today' programme. |
Sat, 20 August 2011
We chat with Robert Ross, author of 'The Goodies Rule OK!' and many other spiffing UK comedy books!
Direct download: Goodies_Podcast_66_-_Robert_Ross_remastered.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:44am HKT |
Sat, 13 August 2011
Steve & Megan are back on the front of the trandem, as we travel to deepest darkest Wales to discover an ancient game, an alien hub, two ex-Doctors, jock straps, Charlotte Church and some weird kinda beads in the latest edition of the Podcast. There's singing, there's pub crawls, there's religious leaders with leather balls! Drop everything you're doing, sprint for the goal line and score just like Mary Whitehouse and Lord Longford! |
Sat, 6 August 2011
GP Extra - August 2011. A brief selection of audio clips. |
Wed, 27 July 2011
In this episode we get the lowdown on The Goodies' Swedish telly screenings from the ever-lovely Isabell Olevall. Bra! |
Sun, 17 July 2011
Jeffers & Jane bring you the news, Stevie Rigsby brings you the tunes, and Steve & Megan bring you to your knees - for a knighthood - in this commentary for Tower of London.
Direct download: Goodies_Podcast_63_-_Tower_of_London.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:35pm HKT |
Thu, 7 July 2011
We celebrate Bill Oddie's 70th birthday with fan messages, songs, clips and things!
Direct download: Goodies_Podcast_62_-_Bill_Oddie_turns_70.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:51pm HKT |
Sun, 3 July 2011
Round 10 of Goodies Mastermind 2011. Plus we chat to fan artist Jenny Doyle about 'The Goodies and some Untold Kapers' exhibition.
Direct download: GP_Mastermind_round_10_-_David_Shepherdson.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:30pm HKT |
Sun, 26 June 2011
Episode 61 features Goodies news and chat with this week's hosts Jane and Jeffers. |
Mon, 20 June 2011
Steve and Megan continue their UK adventures by seeing ISIHAC live. The also visit the Tower of London, the BT Tower and Buckingham Palace. Tally ho!
Direct download: Goodies_Podcast_60_-_MS_Rule_Britannia_pt2.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:59pm HKT |
Tue, 14 June 2011
OBE! Goodies fans worldwide - and Goodies themselves - were thrilled to hear that Tim Brooke-Taylor and Graeme Garden received OBEs for services to light entertainment in the 2011 Queens Birthday Honours list. A well deserved recognition of our heroes' excellent contribution to comedy! |
Fri, 10 June 2011
Steve and Megan go Goodies in London! They visit Cricklewood, stop at Mornington Crescent, drink at the Lyttleton Arms and eat at Hampstead Heath.
Direct download: Goodies_Podcast_59_-_M__S_Rule_Brittania.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:24pm HKT |
Sat, 4 June 2011
We pop back a decade to May 2001 and see what was in the GROK Clarion and Globe (issue 65). News: Goodies' choreographer FLICK COLBY dies, aged 65. Reviews: Bill Oddie on 'Welly Telly', plus the John Cleese Alimony Tour. Loony Moth! |
Sun, 29 May 2011
Anna (aka Edna) and Roger take us to the Commonwealth Games! They provide a commentary for the series 2 ep that survives only in black and white. Plus we hear Bill's latest bird food commercial, put out last call for Mastermind, and begin gathering your Bill Oddie 70th birthday tributes. Cheers!
Direct download: Goodies_Podcast_58_-_Commonwealth_Games.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:43pm HKT |
Sat, 21 May 2011
Goodies Podcast Extra - May 2011. Bill Oddie appears on XFM for a Prince music special, then appears on Springwatch. Tim Brooke-Taylor opens a Thames HospiceCare Homestore and donation centre. The Goodies theme tune is used for a new range og kiddie snax & drinks by the company 'Organix'. Enjoy! email: |
Sun, 15 May 2011
Politics. It's all around us. It runs the world. It runs the State. It runs our lives. It even runs the Goodies Podcast Commentary Couch. So buckle up and get ready for a wild ride of suspense, intrigue, ballot boxes, music and song... and a cat or two, if you listen carefully. Don't cry for us, podcast listener, The truth is, this commentary's a winner. |
Sun, 8 May 2011
GP Mastermind: round 9 - with whizz-kid Anna Carlsson of the Sveeden! How many Goodies questions will she answer correctly? Tune in...
Direct download: GP_Mastermind_-_round_9_-_Anna_Carlsson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:23am HKT |
Sun, 1 May 2011
Graeme Garden is the Meddling Monk! Yes, it's Doctor Who time and we've brought in Big Finish fanatics Denise Bagley (of Little Finish), The boy Bob (of the Flashing Blade) and our own Steve Gerlach to chat about Mr Garden's turn as a devious and charming Time Lord.
Direct download: Goodies_Podcast_56_-_The_Meddling_Monk.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:37am HKT |
Sat, 23 April 2011
In round 8 of Goodies Mastermind our contestants are a team consisting of Ingemar Ragnemalm and his son, competing for the honour and glory of Sweden! This edition comes with bonus chat at the end where Jeffers and Jane go over some Goodies news items. Cheers! Email -
Direct download: GP_Mastermind_round_8_-_Ingemar_Ragnemalm.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:00pm HKT |
Sun, 17 April 2011
Graeme Garden visits Down Under this week, so we thought it was a good time to announce Good Graeme Garden Friday a week ahead of another Good Friday, and to sit on the Commentary Couch and watch as our Superchaps Three head overseas themselves in South Africa! Plus there is news and songs and inside information about just what GG was doing in Sydney...and who he was doing it with! Ooo er! Enjoy!!
Direct download: 55_Goodies_Podcast_55_-_South_Africa.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:32am HKT |
Sun, 3 April 2011
Round 7 of Goodies Mastermind features Isabell Olevall from Sweden.
Direct download: GP_Mastermind_2011_-_round_07_-_Isabell_Olevall.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:00am HKT |
Sat, 26 March 2011
Goodies Mastermind: round 6, featuring Linda Southern!
Direct download: GP_Mastermind_-_round_6_-_Linda_Southern.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:19pm HKT |
Mon, 21 March 2011
Interview with American Goodies fan and Goodies Rule OK committee member LINDA KAY - recorded in Los Angeles at the Gallifrey 22 convention. Linda tells us what it was like to be a fan in the 1980s in the USA, catching sporadic episodes on PBS... Fandom was an adventure in those days, people!
Direct download: Goodies_Podcast_54_-_Linda_Kay_interview_in_LA.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:08am HKT |
Tue, 15 March 2011
Well, Jeffers has been to Gallifrey (the convention, not the planet) and not to be outdone, Steve hops into his own TARDIS to watch a space-related Goodies episode - U-Friend or UFO! Will Megan remember the episode before the final credits? Will Steve find his notes in time to mention which character Tim was supposed to play? Will George Lucas close us down for copyright reasons? And will Megan insult all of Goodies fandom? Find out right here, right now, or I'll pull the trigger of this loaded Nun! Take me, take me, take me! Mind your step!!
Direct download: 53_Goodies_Podcast_53_-_UFriend_or_UFO.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:51pm HKT |
Sun, 6 March 2011
Round 5 of Goodies Mastermind, featuring Jenny Doyle from the UK.
Direct download: GP_Mastermind_2011_-_round_05_-_Jenny_Doyle.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:00pm HKT |
Wed, 2 March 2011
Jeffers with Linda Kay in Los Angeles! Ol' Jeffers went stateside to a Doctor Who convention, meeting American gal & Goodies superfan Linda Kay in the process. He dressed her up in a Bill Oddie replica shirt, ate her cake and made her record a commentary.
Direct download: Goodies_Podcast_52_-_Double_Trouble_with_Linda_Kay.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:21pm HKT |
Sun, 20 February 2011
Round 4 of Goodies Mastermind featuring Jess Pickles from England.
Direct download: GP_Mastermind_2011_-_round_04_-_Jess_Pickles.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:00am HKT |
Sun, 13 February 2011
It's Australia day...sorta... and Graeme Garden suggested it...sorta... so we took the hint and delivered - as our boys whacko-the-diddilo and climb into their billabongs to head Down Under to Orstrayla in search of the illusive Rolf Harris in Scatty Safari! ...and don't the kids love him! |
Sat, 5 February 2011
Round 3 of Goodies Mastermind, featuring Lisa Manekofsky from the USA.
Direct download: GP_Mastermind_2011_-_round_03_-_Lisa_Manekofsky.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:30pm HKT |
Sun, 30 January 2011
An extra-special edition with a genuine Goody! Mr Graeme Garden joins Jeffers and Jane for a chat. What better way to celebrate 50 episodes of the podcast?
Direct download: Goodies_Podcast_50_-_Graeme_Garden_interview.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:09am HKT |
Sat, 22 January 2011
It's Goodies Mastermind round 2 - with Vanessa Pusey!
Direct download: GP_Mastermind_2011_-_round_02_-_Vanessa_Pusey.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:00am HKT |
Sun, 16 January 2011
Change, my dear... New Year, new co-host, new commentary. Steve Gerlach - author, TARDIS owner, and all-round superchap - sits in the podseat and realises why Jeffers never works alone! And we go live, live, live with the Goodies! Be gentle...he's new... |
Thu, 13 January 2011
The first round of GOODIES MASTERMIND for 2011, featuring Brett Allender, editor of the Clarion and Globe newsletter.
Direct download: GP_Mastermind_2011_-_round_01_-_Brett_Allender.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:06pm HKT |
Wed, 5 January 2011
Yes, just like the Music Master (or should we call him Nasty Person?) we've slipped in under the cover of darkness to drop a mid-week Podcast Update. There's news about a schedule flip, a regeneration and a competition that will blow your sherbert-sucking mind! Enjoy!
Direct download: Goodies_Podcast_Update_-_schedule_flip_and_Mastermind.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:49am HKT |
Sat, 1 January 2011
A look back at The Goodies' exploits in 2010.
Direct download: Goodies_Podcast_48_-_2010_in_review.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:54am HKT |