Well, down here at the bottom of the world, it's winter. So that means short cold days and longer colder nights. And what's a girl to do? Getting up early for bootcamp at the gym three days a week and then going to work, coming home to slave over a hot stove to look after her Steevie. Yes, in the end, she gets run down and illness catches up with her. There's nothing for it, she just has to climb into bed and..... Snooooze!
So, with Megan under the weather and Steve as fit as a fiddle, your trusty podcasterians decide to hit up the second episode of the Goodies and see if Snooze can make Megan feel a little better. Will she survive? Can she hold out to the end? Will the sickness be too powerful and finally do her in? Is her life insurance up to date? And just what does a fine set of lungs and Horlicks have to do with an early Goodies episode anyway?
Find out now, on Goodies Podcast 95 - Snooze!
Plug the kids' ears - it's an improv commentary on the Goodies' playgirl antics in 'Caught in the Act'. Plus we get the answer to the question "What will Bill Oddie be worth in 50 years?".
Jeffers recaps the Goodies news for mid-April 2012.
Culture for the Masses - a commentary for this series 2 ep, featuring Jeffers and Jane.
It's April 1, It's time for fun,
There's people all around.
Sharing laughs, And joking parts,
It's time to be the clown.
Our Superchaps Three, The Goodies they be,
Are here to entertain us. With noses of balls,
And slapstick falls, It is the "Clown Virus."
So come one and all, For tales short and tall,
On this very April Fools Day. When Steve and Megan,
One mad, one Vegan, Watch poisoned "soup" come into play.
So this is the truth, Or is it a spoof?
It's up to you to decide. For this is podcast ninety-one,
On Fools Day April 1, The truth's between the lies!
A commentary on 'Cecily', the series 1 episode from December 1970.
Julian Chagrin, a master of visual comedy, played the role of Maxie Grease in the Goodies' special 'Superstar'. Jeffers was very excited to join Julian as he lifted the lid on a fascinating career including a Rose of Montreaux, an Oscar nomination, two successful series' and more classic commercials than you can whack with a black pudding. Best interview ever!
Rosie Oddie and Mr Hudson give Jeffers the lowdown on the new BIGkids single 'Drum in Your Chest'.
Taking time away from caring for a sick rabbit, Steve and Megan decide to visit the Commentary Couch for an episode of our Super Chaps which involves our four-legged friends. And so they turn to ANIMALS, the Series 8 episode which provides us with every-changing comedy greatness, from an animal-led economic recovery, to revolting sheep, Rabid Frost and a quick rabbit stew. It also contains the most disturbing and unsettling ending to a Goodies episode ever!
"Nosebulb? I don't see no Nosebulb!"
Nicole Lovell tells Jeffers about her adventures at the TV recordings for Graeme Garden's UNBELIEVABLE TRUTH.
Trandem! (featuring Paul Litchfield of 'The Trap') ...and of course the 69th birthday of Graeme Garden.
Are our beloved Goodies really so good? Or are they a public menace? All four of our hosts look at the Goodies' adventures through a prism of half-baked ethics philosophy to find out...
The Goodies series 9 opener 'Snow White 2' was chosen for J & J this week (thanks Steve and Megan) so they try to make the best of it, helped by news of the 2012 Slapstick event in Bristol.
Yes, Steve and Megan are back from their extended Christmas/New Year break and they're on the ball and ready for some Goodies Commentary brilliance.
Or are they?
Resorting to Plan C, they play Goodies Roulette, gambling on the chance they just might hit the jackpot.
But will they?
No matter where the ball lands,
Red or black,
You're sure to get a Commentary,
With a Goodies Sountrack!
Listen as our hosts let the fickle finger of Fate guide them to this week's Goody Good Goodies fun!