Miscellaneousity! The return of the least popular show format for the GP sees J & J chatting about the Clarion & Globe, Goodies eBay bargains, Bill Oddie's wildlife charity work, plus feedback and a lot of other stuff. Cheers!
This commentary for 'Lighthouse Keeping Loonies' features Lillibet (of Professor Dave's Ark in Space) and Jo (of the Flashing Blade), for the Goodies Podcast's first ever tri-continental Skype-fest!
Plus there's a lot of chat about 'The Movies' and a tune from Stevie Rigsby. Enjoy!
This commentary for FRANKENFIDO is the second part of Goodies Podcast on the road in Melbourne. Jeffers is joined by guest commentators Mike Staniforth and Kirsten Scott!
GP #28 brings you the story of how Graeme Garden came to write a poem for Australian Sci-fi / fantasy mag Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine. We chat to ASIM #45 editor Jacob Edwards about GG's poem 'The Man Who Invented Time Travel'.